Archives for May 15, 2017

Move Over, Probiotics: MicroFood Is the Next Frontier in Gut Health


Does your digestive system ever feel… off? Do you ever get constipated? Have acid reflux? Confession time: I do! Lately I’ve been pounding the probiotic yogurt to try to feel more like myself, but no dice.

So I partnered with ISOThrive []—a gastroenterologist-endorsed, bacterially fermented microFood  ‘pre’-biotic—to try out a new solution for digestive health, and to share a little bit about their philosophy. And let me tell you, this has been so eye-opening. I have learned so much about nutrition and digestion!

First: I learned why those probiotic yogurts never made me feel any better—the bacteria they were touting never made it to the part of my gut where they were needed! MicroFood feeds the bacteria that are already in your gut, but aren’t getting the nutrition they need. Brilliant, right?

Here’s what else I learned about what microFood can do:

1. Go where probiotics can’t
Most probiotics are neutralized in our stomachs and never make it to our lower digestive tract. To heal GI issues, the whole digestive system has to be re-balanced. A daily dose of fermented microFood like ISOThrive fuels the good bacteria to tackle the organisms that cause acid reflux, constipation, bloating, and gas.

2. Rebalance our diets the ancient way
Most modern diets lack nutrients to feed our “good” bacteria—more particularly, a very specific type of microFood that our ancestors got by eating lots of fermented vegetables or sourdough breads made from heirloom wheat. ISOThrive adds back this bacterially fermented food to rebalance our diets and keep our bacteria happy. (And, no, the sauerkraut on your hot dog or the kimchi on your bibimbap won’t get you the the microFood you need—you’d have to eat several cups of fermented veggies every day to get the same amount of microFood in one 1/4 teaspoon of ISOThrive microFood!)

3. Prep our bodies to prevent disease
Because the modern Western diet is so deficient in specially fermented microFood, our starving “good” gut bacteria are “breaking bad”—adapting to use other energy sources (such as our gut lining), and making us sick. Fermented microFood restores this imbalance, enhancing immune function and staving off disease.

So let me tell you about my experience with ISOThrive…

I loved it! It’s easy to take it in the morning.  Since it comes in a small packet, it is great to take it on the go! I usually mix it in water and it doesn’t have a bad after taste or anything like that!  I really didn;t notice much of a difference at first but over the next week or so, I started to feel better. It actually helps me not feel so hungry at times.

When my 30-day trial was up, I ordered another immediately. It feels so good to wake up and do something great for my body!

Would you try microFood to balance your own gut health? Check out ISOThrive []
I’d love to hear about your experiences with digestive health. Share your thoughts in the comments below!


Self Disclosure: I received a free product to facilitate this post. The photo was provided.


Max & Ola…Eco-Friendly Baby Shoes…

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Are you looking for some really cute shoes for your little one this Spring? Max & Ola have the most adorable shoes! What is just the coolest thing ever is that they are also made with non-toxic materials! Great for our planet too!

Just as we must protect and care for our earth, so we must protect and care for our children. Whatever is safe for our environment is often safe for our children as well. At Max & Ola’s, they are dedicated to the safety and welfare of the planet, and the health and happiness of our children.


Max & Ola make baby shoes and baby apparel in the time-honored tradition; with their hands & their hearts, using only certified, non-toxic materials. They start with the finest materials they can find, and then they do their best to make sure these are processed as naturally as possible, without harsh chemicals, so they can keep our environment and our children healthy. They believe you should not put anything on your baby that the earth doesn’t know how to produce organically. I think that is really wonderful!

These shoes really are the cutest! I received a pair of the Peak baby Boot in the blue color and they are too adorable! I love the quality and highly recommend!



And they have some really great fans! After being featured in British Vogue, the Dutchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton bought shoes from Max & Ola for her royal princess. Their entire collection was sold out in just 1 hour!!!



For more information, please visit:


Self Disclosure: I received a free product to facilitate this feature. Photos were also provided except the one taken of the boots.