Archives for March 20, 2017

Navigating The Beverage Aisle!


To help make your next grocery trip a healthier one, follow these beverage aisle tips to decrease the risk of obesity, diabetes, and more!

  1. Don’t get swayed by healthy sounding messaging on the front on the package, check the back for nutrition facts.

Many times products will use words like “natural” and “organic” to disguise the nutrition contents (or lack thereof). Remember, just because a product is organic, does not mean it isn’t loaded with sugar.

  1. Watch for sugar, a huge culprit in the beverage industry

The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends no more than 5 teaspoons of added sugar per day. The scary truth is that the average added sugar intake for a 4-8 year old is about 21 teaspoons per day; quadruple the recommended amount.

  1. Added sugars can be found in a children’s beverage (or any beverage) in the form of:

corn syrup, corn syrup solids, dextrose, fructose, high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), honey, invert sugar, lactose, malt syrup, maltose, nectars (e.g., peach nectar, pear nectar, sucrose, and more.

Thank you to our friends at AquaBall for sharing this info with us!

We are big fans of AquaBall and received samples and they are a real hit with our family!


Self Disclosure: I have received free samples in the past and often feature AquaBall.

Wildflower Season In Full Bloom at OC Parks

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Spring has sprung and with it comes the arrival of wildflower season. Heavy blankets of colorful and rare blooms are beginning to appear across OC Parks’ regional, wilderness and historical park sites.


The brilliance of each annual wildflower season depends on the intensity of winter rainfall and the natural aftermath of fire recovery. This spring marks a vibrant and early start to wildflower season that is anticipated to bud and bloom dramatically across several Orange County parks including Santiago Oaks Regional Park, Caspers Wilderness Park, and Whiting Ranch Wilderness Park. Laguna Coast Wilderness Park is anticipated to bloom with intense wildflower coverage stemming from the June, 2016 fire that burned more than 50 acres of park land.


The public is encouraged to get out onto the land and experience the beautiful season. Expect to see hillsides covered orange with California Poppies and sightings of School Bells, Arroyo Lupine, Fiddleneck, California Bush Sunflower, Lemonade Berries, Flowering Gooseberries and more colorful blooms.


Every Sunday morning at 8 a.m. Caspers Wilderness Park offers a ranger-led hike that will seek out wildflower blooms. On Monday, March 20 at 2:30 p.m, Laguna Coast Wilderness Park will present the First Day of Spring Wildflower Hunt with a moderate 2-mile hike through wildflowers, enjoyable for ages 16 and over.

Whether you join a guided hike or explore the land on your own, OC parks invites you to experience the wildflowers as they bloom in abundance.


OC Parks manages nearly 60,000 acres of parks, historical and coastal facilities and open space for the County of Orange as part of OC Community Resources.

Coloring For Adults With Inkspirations: Art Therapy To Reduce Stress


Just when a sympathetic heart seems like it can’t take anymore, reach for something to help quiet the mind and ease the soul. Inkspirations coloring books for adults offer a way to turn off negativity while healing the spirit. Art therapy has long proven its effects as an aid in emotional and mental restoration, and it is not news that coloring as active meditation reduces stress and quiets thoughts. From the original publishers of Chicken Soup for the Soul now comes a line of coloring books ready to encourage, inspire, and help worries fade.

Whether coloring with friends, family, or on your own, it doesn’t take much to color your day a little brighter. With moving quotes alongside unique and graceful images, Inkspirations coloring books include a wide array of themes to help express creativity and enjoy therapy through coloring. To start overcoming heartache, releasing tensions, and building positive energy, readers can visit the new Inkspirations website,

One of my favorites is the inkspirations for dog lovers! This one is must-buy for all dog lovers who like to color!

Please see the new line of coloring books and greeting cards


Self Disclosure: I received a free copy of the book to facilitate this post.  No other compensation was received.