
“Planes: Fire & Rescue” is a new comedy-adventure about second chances, featuring a dynamic crew of elite firefighting aircraft devoted to protecting historic Piston Peak National Park from raging wildfire. When world famous air racer Dusty (voice of Dane Cook) learns that his engine is damaged and he may never race again, he must shift gears and is launched into the world of aerial firefighting. Dusty joins forces with veteran fire and rescue helicopter Blade Ranger and his courageous team, including spirited super scooper Dipper (voice of Julie Bowen), heavy-lift helicopter Windlifter, ex-military transport Cabbie and a lively bunch of brave all-terrain vehicles known as The Smokejumpers. Together, the fearless team battles a massive wildfire and Dusty learns what it takes to become a true hero. Directed by Bobs Gannaway (“Secret of the Wings”), “Planes: Fire & Rescue” hits theaters in 3D on July 18, 2014.


“Planes: Fire & Rescue” is a new comedy-adventure in which Dusty joins forces with a dynamic crew of elite firefighting aircraft and learns what it takes to become a true hero.

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Credit: Disney sponsored.

Les Miserables Hits All The Right Notes


True to the original Broadway story, Les Miserables will have fans singing out loud in their seats. If you’ve never seen the original you are in for a real treat, but if you know every song like many fans do, you may find yourself wishing you had the theater to yourself. According to KIDS FIRST! Film Critic Raven Devanney, “it stays so true to the play it is unbelievable,” however, the one change is “they made the movie easier to understand and follow.”  [Read more…]

Ice Age: Continental Drift, Endearing As Ever, Coming To DVD and blu-ray


The Ice Age cometh again. The fourth in 20th Century Fox’s franchise, Continental Drift, is coming to us on DVD and blu-ray on December 11, 2012. The characters are as endearing as ever, with the familiar voices of Ray Romano (Manny), John Leguizamo (Sid) and Denis Leary (Diego), among others. [Read more…]

It’s Time to Solve Another Mystery With Big Top Scooby Doo, on DVD and blu-ray

BigTopScoobyDoo (1)

Big Top Scooby Doo

Reviewed by Morgan Bertsch




Santa’s Pups Teach The True Meaning Of Holiday Spirit

Santa’s pups are at it again in Santa Paws 2: The Santa Pups, available now on DVD and blu-ray. KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, Anthony Aranda, says this DVD is full of great holiday songs, “so good it has been stuck in my head for three days!” Santa Paws 2 teaches everyone about the true meaning of Holiday Spirit, with lots of music and mayhem throughout. Make sure it is on your holiday shopping list for all your puppy loving friends and family!  [Read more…]

Tom and Jerry’s Wacky Take on Robin Hood


“Who doesn’t love Tom and Jerry?” asks KIDS FIRST! youth film critic Morgan Bertsch, age 8. And who doesn’t love Robin Hood? Tom and Jerry: Robin Hood and His Merry Mouse, recently released by Warner Home Video on DVD and Blu-ray, combines both favorites in a rollicking adventure with all the familiar good guys and bad guys.  [Read more…]

‘Life of Pi’ a Great Story of Hope and Determination

The raves that are greeting Life of Pi are nothing new for the multiple award-winning director Ang Lee, but part of the credit also goes to advances in technology that enable the film’s special effects. Check out KIDS FIRST! critic, Morgan Bertsch’s coverage from the Red Carpet where she interviews Mr. Lee as well as other cast and crew.  [Read more…]

Skyfall 007

James Bond’s audiences span the generations, so it’s a little strange to be faced with him being considered “too old” to be out in the field as a secret agent. Yet it doesn’t seem to diminish the charm and attraction of the character. KIDS FIRST! youth film critic Victoria Burns reviews the film and thinks “this one is the best” – and this 14-year-old has seen all of the James Bond movies. [Read more…]