Archives for November 20, 2020

Is A Montessori Education Truly Beneficial?

Photo by Adam Winger on Unsplash

Montessori education has gained in popularity since its inception in the early 1900s by Dr Maria Montessori. The Montessori Method is child-centered, and activities are child-led. Teachers are facilitators instead of lectures with classrooms having children of different ages. The system is based on hands-on learning, self-directed activities and collaborative play.

Children work individually and in groups as they explore. They chose their activity from the given options, they learn by discovering instead of instruction, and they have freedom with limits.

If you are preparing your child to join a school, you may be wondering, is a Montessori education truly beneficial? Will it be better for your child than the traditional system of education?

Well, many benefits are associated with Montessori education as well as a few drawbacks. 

Puts Emphasis on Independent Learning

Children in Montessori Education experience independent learning. They learn through hands-on using learning materials that have been designed for the purpose, which are made from natural resources such as wood. For example, children can use a learning tower to get to hard-to-reach areas.

The system advocates for independent learning where children learn at their pace. The child learns and progresses as an individual as they get exposed to materials, lessons and activities that are meant to build their skill set.

This method makes it possible for fast learners and slow learners to learn at their pace without each feeling pressured.

No more worrying about your child who is a fast learner feeling bored in class since each student is learning at their pace.

Encourages Independence

Students choose the activities from the given options. This cultivates confidence and independence since the learning is self-directed. That could be the reason why those who go through the Montessori system think independently and can manage themselves. These qualities help to develop entrepreneurial skill sets on the kids.

It Makes Learning Enjoyable

Montessori education makes learning enjoyable. The students are given the freedom to be curious, explore and discover. This encourages a love for learning. They see learning as a way to acquire knowledge and not as a burden for passing exams.

That’s why those who go through the system continue learning even after the school life is over since they consider it as a lifelong journey.

Promotes Social Interactions

Montessori classes have students of different ages, which encourage peer to peer learning. Children are curious, and they are fascinated by what their peers are doing. When grouped, they learn from each other, and this encourages growth and social interactions. This way, they develop social skills such as acceptance and inclusion.

This may not happen in classrooms where students are of the same age.

Friendly to Children with Special Needs

In Montessori education, students of different ages are grouped in the same classroom. Each child learns at their pace. As such, there is no competition and pressure that is present in the traditional systems of education.

This makes the learning friendly even to children with special needs because they learn at their pace and they have more freedom.

 The students remain with a teacher for three years. The continuity helps the teacher to know the students and their needs. Also, they can form connections with other learners, and so they feel safe when learning.

Based on the “follow the child” philosophy, the teacher gives individualized education to each student with each having their goals. This serves well with children with special needs as well as other students.

Drawbacks to the Montessori Education

As much as Montessori education is beneficial, there are some drawbacks.

·         It Is Expensive

Montessori education requires high-quality learning materials to meet the needs of each student. This is one reason why this program is expensive to implement. It explains why the schools charge a lot of money and put it out of reach of most children.

In fact, the Montessori system is considered as a reserve for the privileged that can pay hefty amounts for tuition.

·         Curriculum Is A bit Loose

The curriculum is less structured. Students move at their pace, and they choose what to do. This can leave out some critical areas. You may find students doing more on one subject and neglecting the other.

·         There Is Less Collaboration

The Montessori education advocates for independence and less collaboration. Students make decisions and learn at their pace. This may not augur well with a work environment that advocates for teamwork. Therefore, someone who has gone through the curriculum may find it challenging to work in a team or an environment with strict authority.

4 Ways to Show Friends How Much You Care

Our friends are there for us during our best and worst times. Some we may have known for years while others may have come into our lives more recently, but they all brighten up our lives. Humans are social animals, and it is well documented that relationships are key for both our mental and physical health. All too often, however, we do not let them know how important they are and how grateful we are for their love and support. If you want to make sure that your friends know how much you appreciate them being in your life, here are four ways to show them how much you care:

  1. Put your friends to the top of your list

Of course, our family is usually our top priority, but our best friends should be right up there too. When your friend needs your practical help, is in the middle of a crisis, or needs some advice, you should be there for them as quickly as they would be for you. It may mean making a few sacrifices or canceling the occasional plan, but it will lead to a stronger bond and increase the trust between you.

2. Meet face to face regularly

Cellphones and social media have made it easy to keep in touch with our friends wherever we are in the world, but unfortunately, this has reduced how often we make the effort to get out and meet face to face. Just because a friend replies to a text saying that they are ‘fine’ does not mean they are. Talking with someone face to face, being able to read their body language, and giving them the space to speak freely is often the only way we get an honest account of their mental and physical wellbeing. Find time to meet for a walk in the park, a coffee, or lunch, and enjoy each other’s company without phones getting in the way.

3. Give personal gifts

Whether it is their birthday, Christmas, or you just want to treat them, make sure the gifts you give them are meaningful. This does not mean that you need to spend a fortune, but they deserve more than a last-minute panic buy. Think about who they are, what they are interested in, the memories you share, and choose a gift which shows them how well you know them. Even a simple gift like a coffee mug or a cushion with a photo of you both purchased with a Walgreens photo coupon could bring a smile to their face for many years to come.

4. Support them through thick and thin

When your friend has ambition, believe in them, and help them to see their own potential. Many people take pleasure in discouraging or criticizing others, often through the veil of ‘tough love’ or giving them a reality check. Of course, you can offer advice as to how they might go about pursuing their dream in a sensible way, but you should be there to lift them up. When a friend is going through difficult times or has made some poor life decisions, that is not the time to drag them down or neglect them. Be there for them and help them get back on the right path.