Archives for December 12, 2012

Sugar Cookie Dipped in Milk Chocolate PEEPS= Delicious!

So by now you know that I love PEEPS, but this new one is one of my favorites! I love sugar cookies and these New Sugar Cookie flavored PEEPS taste like one of my favorite Christmas cookies. Then to top it off, they are dipped in milk chocolate! Too simply delicious for words and can only be found online at PEEPS or at your favorite Target store! Don’t miss out on these and try them before they are gone! You may want to stock up on these. They are sooooo good! [Read more…]

Santa’s Pups Teach The True Meaning Of Holiday Spirit

Santa’s pups are at it again in Santa Paws 2: The Santa Pups, available now on DVD and blu-ray. KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, Anthony Aranda, says this DVD is full of great holiday songs, “so good it has been stuck in my head for three days!” Santa Paws 2 teaches everyone about the true meaning of Holiday Spirit, with lots of music and mayhem throughout. Make sure it is on your holiday shopping list for all your puppy loving friends and family!  [Read more…]