International Surf Festival

Join the fun and activities at Hermosa, Manhattan, Redondo and Torrance beaches.

Presented by, the Chambers of Commerce and Cities of Hermosa Beach, Manhattan Beach, Redondo Beach, Torrance, Los Angeles County Fire Department and Department of Beaches and Harbors. 

International Surf Festival
July 31, 2012
August 5, 2012
June 10, 2012
Redondo, Hermosa and Manhattan Beach
Redondo beach, Hermosa beach and Manhattan Beaches, CA,United States


  1. I am a physician and thought I was going insane. We picked bed bugs from an airport limo and these lint bugs or morgellons showed up at the same time. My theory is that they are an early developmental phase of a bed bug which has never been described. Note that the morgellons and lint bug reports started around the same time as the bed bug peak. Also people report getting them in the same situations which are high risk for bed bugs. They do move and bite. I believe they are white when alive, red after feeding and black when dead. Ours look like sand, lint and hair. All of the standard treatment for bed bugs seems to kill them also, like heat over 120 degrees. Like bed bugs, I don’t believe they can fly or jump. I also don’t believe they burrow under the skin like scabies. For getting them out of hair, a hair dryer should work or 91 running alcohol. There is a product called eco raider which is non-toxic and designed for bed bugs. It kills these lint bugs also, the residual effect only lasts for a day or 2 for the lint bugs but up to 7-14 days for adult bed bugs. It smells pretty bad and makes by wife feel ill but it is safe but a little expensive. Like bed bugs, they are attracted to CO2. Get a chair which doesn’t have a lot of bed bug hiding places or cushions. Spray it with the Eco Raider. Get 4 bed bug interceptors for the feet of the chair and put an eighth of an inch of eco raider in the inner well. Put the chair on a hard surface floor and spray the Eco raider in a circle around chair and put on a good movie. By the end of the movie, you be surrounded by thousands of dead bugs. It takes the 20 minutes to die after walking through the liquid but the interceptors will keep them from getting to you and biting you. I bought several gallons of the stuff and sprayed it everywhere but it did not get rid of them because they run and hide when you start spraying. Using yourself as bait is a more cost effective way to use it. We sprayed it on our bed which has also helped. As others have mentioned, vacuuming or steaming your floors will also help. If you do everything recommended for bed bugs, the lint bugs should be eliminated too. I found they like to hang out in the rim of sinks and toilets as well as the hinge of the toilet seat as well as the base of the toilet seat. Spray around the bottom of the toilet first to cut off the escape route. It was a dark day yesterday and when I showed the exterminator the lint bugs and he looked at me like I was crazy. Thanks for posting up. You ironically saved a physician from thinking he was insane. I have no financial interest in Eco raider but it does kill them although not instantaneously and is safe around kids and pets. It’s not a single solution, and like bed bugs, you need to do the other stuff like mattress covers. They hide in seams so spray those well. I’ll post up when I find out anything else.

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