“Epic” – Great Animation with a Wonderful Plot – Now Available on DVD/Blu-ray


New to DVD/Blu-ray this week is Blue Sky Studios’ animated feature film “Epic.” If you like fairy tales, then you will love this film. A teenager finds herself transported to a deep forest setting where a battle between the forces of good and the forces of evil is taking place. She bands together with a rag-tag group characters in order to save their world — and ours. Rated PG, it’s the perfect film to share with your whole family.

13-year-old KIDS FIRST! Film Critic Brianna B says, “I absolutely love this film. It has a great plot, and some really great characters. I like how the visuals are outstanding, and flawless.” KIDS FIRST! Film Critics also discuss Epic on the KIDS FIRST! Coming Attractions Radio Show ( http://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/69259/grayson-russell-space-warriors-epic-fast-and-furious-star-trek-into-darkness ) See Brianna’s full review below.


Reviewed by Brianna B.

This is a great animation with a wonderful plot that is full of twists and turns.

Mary Katherine (M.K.) (Amanda Seyfried-Voice) accidently finds herself in a world where tiny people exist. Once she is turned into one of them she tries to help their home, the forest, become whole again. Along the way she meets some very interesting characters. Will she get back home, or will she permanently have to live in the forest?

I absolutely love this film. It has a great plot, and some really great characters. I like how the visuals are outstanding and flawless. The 3-D animation is so wonderful that it makes this film 100 times better in making the forest come alive. The costumes really relate to where the characters are in the forest. The background music is very fitting with the rest of the film. The actors do a remarkable job portraying their characters.

 I am surprised about how much I love this film. I think everything about this film is great. My favorite character is M.K., because she is very much like me, not in her situation, but the way she acts about everything. I can see myself easily relating to her. My favorite scene is when M.K. is talking to her Dad about how he is not normal and all she wants him to do is be her Dad without all the gadgets and gizmos. This scene is very touching, and teaches us that once in a while you need to be there for your loved ones, but you should also do your own thing.

  Director Chris Wedge directs a fantastic animated film. Also Writers James V. Hart and William Joyce, along with others, do a good job writing the screenplay. Other great voice-over talents in this film are Colin Farrell, Josh Hutcherson and Beyoncé Knowles.

A couple of messages that are in this film are: 1) Everything happens for a reason and 2) Do not take what you have for granted. Be thankful for everything that you have.

I recommend “Epic” for ages 5 to 16. It is really one of those films that everyone can watch and enjoy together. There is no content that is inappropriate for younger viewers. I give this film 4 out of 5 stars. It is truly a wonderful film with amazing animation and great characters. I will definitely look forward to seeing it again.

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