Books of the Day!

If you love reading science fiction! This one is for you!

If you enjoy reading science fiction full of adventure! Trekachaw is a book you should read! I have to admit, besides Star Wars, I am not a big Scie Fi fan but I found this book enjoyable and I loved that it is fast-paced. I definitely did not get bored! Find out more about the author here.

The book can be found on

As a homeschool Mom, I really found that this book was helpful!

I found this a very insightful and helpful book as a mom of a teenager and I highly recommend! I love hos this book tells parents just how important it is to support their children educationally. It is not just the school’s responsibility. Parents do have a responsibility to help their children succeed academically. Find out more here!

The book can also be found on

Self Disclosure: I received copies of the above books and only feature books that I recommend. No other compensation was received to post. Images were provided.

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