Avatar Battle Quiz is fun and educational for ages 9-11


Avatar Battle Quiz is not just another gaming app. However, it is definitely not your typical educational app for kids. Avatar Battle Quiz is bridging the gap between technology, education and gaming and putting it all into one unique app for kids. This game app launched this past March, 2015.


Avatar Battle Quiz blends the fun and excitement of a traditional role playing game with the information and study guides of an educational app, making it perfect for kids ages 9-11 or any kids learning to read and wanting to enjoy learning while having fun. Parents will also enjoy spending time with their kids, working out more difficult questions.

The great and terrible Oliver M Pennyworth, also known as Merlin, is the main character of the game, challenging opponents to enter his castle and defeat him. Players take Merlin’s quiz, testing their Avatar against other opponents.


Avatar Battle Quiz challenges your mind to earn experience points so that you can strengthen your avatar and join him in battle with friends and me the master of this castle.

The QUIZ section lets you earn experience points for your avatar. Select a category and the level of question. There are two types of questions: word and image based. In word based questions you answer the question by re-ordering the letters into the answer. In an image-based question select the correct image from the four provided. If you answer a question incorrectly, the question will be asked again later. When you answer a question correctly you are rewarded with experience.


In BATTLE, Avatar Battle Quiz allows you to select an opponent from the list of Avatars of the same level or above. Message your friends who are players and make new friends with people you are battling. There is also a LEADERBOARD to see if you are in the top 100 players, creating another great challenge for kids.


“This app has been circling around in my head for about ten years,” says Garth Hodgson, creator of Avatar Battle Quiz. “I have always felt that the education system failed me in some way, being a typical boy not much interested in learning and found no inspiration in what was offered.”


“At age 10, I was still struggling to read and I stumbled upon the Harry Potter books and thought these were exciting to me. That is why this app has two sides, the fun and adventure, but also the need to read and learn to play the game more effectively.”


Imagining little boys and girls are pretty much the same worldwide and not terribly interested in traditional schooling, just waiting for playtime, Garth hopes to inspire other children to want to read and learn, while blending some fun and adventure into traditional learning.


Avatar Battle Quiz is available for free download for iOS devices in the Apple app store and for Android in the Google Play Store. In app purchases can be made.

We received a free download code to check this app out. My 11-year-old son liked it because it wasn’t just learning and he liked the avatars. He also likes that you can also message friends that you are playing with. I like that it is challenging and also educational. It is also not just for boys. Girls in this age range will enjoy playing too.

About Avatar Battle Quiz

Created by Garth Hodgson out of Australia in 2014, Avatar Battle Quiz combines the fun and adventure of typical role playing games with the study skills of an educational app, making it a groundbreaking app for kids. Launched in 2015, Avatar Battle Quiz is available for both iOS and Android devices.

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Self Disclosure: I received a free download code. No other compensation was received to post.


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