Zukes, a good boy with wacky eyes, came to our shelter at Long Beach Animal Care Services in May as an emaciated stray. Thanks to the work of his longtime foster, he’s learned to enjoy walks and road trips, be they brief or extended. He’s very smart—he’s crate trained and potty trained, and he’s acquired obedience skills. He loves to play! Best of all, he’s packed on the pounds and now weighs about 70 of them! His foster has given him all the prep-school education he’s needed to be a good house dog, and now, he’s ready to go home for real! Since Zukes is in foster and not in the shelter, visit https://www.longbeach.gov/acs/our-animals/adoptions/dogs/, you can meet him by entering Zukes’ name in the required space, and follow directions. You can also email PetAdopt@longbeach.gov or DogFoster@longbeach.gov, or call (562) 570-4925. and ask for ID#A698045 to meet Zukes. We’re over capacity, and everyone needs homes!
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