Out of the video game and into … well, not real real life, but the big screen version of it. And gaining a huge following with non-gamers and gamers alike. This is a film you can feel comfortable taking your grandkids to ages 4 to 15. There’s something that will tickle everyone’s funny bone. The story, explains KIDS FIRST! youth film critic Anthony Aranda, “… is all about a guy named Wreck-It Ralph who is tired of being a bad guy so he leaves his game to win a medal so, for once, he can be the hero.” The 10-year-old, who has been a KIDS FIRST! film critic for two years, notes he has seen a lot of movies and this one “is the best movie I have ever seen.”
Raves echo from fellow KIDS FIRST! film critics: Raven Devanney, age 15, says, “It’s so original and funny!” And Morgan Bertsch, age 8, says, “Everyone will find someone they can relate to …”
Wreck-It Ralph
Reviewed by Morgan Bertsch Age: 8
Wreck-it Ralph
Reviewed by Raven Devanney
Wreck-It Ralph
Reviewed by Anthony Aranda
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