Travels With Gannon & Wyatt


Every once in awhile I receive a product or in this case, a book series that really impresses me to the point that I want to feature them more than just once! This is the case with TRAVELS WITH GANNON & WYATT. My son is 10 and we are always on the look-out for books and when I heard about this series I knew I had to review a book. I was thrilled to receive the series. My son and I just finished TRAVELS WITH GANNON & WYATT: BOTSWANA by Patti Wheeler and Keith Hemstreet. What is really cool (in the words of a 10 year old) is that the series is inspired by the real-life expeditions of twin brothers Gannon and Wyatt and their explorer parents. The adventures are so believable that I was amazed that it is fiction. I just hope that my homeschooling son does not want us to whisk away on our own adventures! This book is full of excitement and adventure and I love the way it is done in a journal format of both the brothers narrating the story. We couldn’t wait to find out how it all ended!

Perfect for Young Indiana Jones fans, this book made its debut last June and is the debut title in an epic middle-grade series full of exotic settings, high-stakes adventure, and the wonder of nature. Told in the style of the diaries of famous explorers like Lewis and Clark, Dr. David Livingstone and Captain James Cook, the series is full of photos, maps, and fascinating facts. In this book, Gannon and Wyatt encounter the beauty and danger of Africa’s wilderness. They are captivated by elephants, rhinos, cape buffalo, and leopards, but saving a wounded lioness and her cubs from poachers brings to light the real threat to African wildlife: man.  My son can’t wait to read the next adventure!

Botswana is Gannon and Wyatt’s first stop on a global journey that takes them to the Great Bear Rainforest, Egypt, Greenland, Iceland, Ireland, Tanzania, and the American West in future installments of the series. With each expedition, young readers will discover new things about the world- and their place in it- that will stay with them for years to come. What I really like is that this series is great for homeschooling too. I am already planning to use it in our curriculum next school year. I will also be reviewing the next book in the series this summer so stay tuned!

TRAVELS WITH GANNON & WYATT retails for $12.95 (Greenleaf Publishing Group) and is also available on Amazon.

For More information on the TRAVELS WITH GANNON & WYATT series, visit:

Literacy Mission: the authors have a literacy promotion goal of giving away 10,000 books. For every book that is sold, one will be donated to a child.

Self Disclosure: I received the book series to facilitate this feature review but any opinions expressed are truthful.

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