The Rootlets

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Veggies are cool! Veggies are powerful! Veggies are awesome! Enter The Rootlets™, a new brand of characters so adorable and uniquely memorable – you’ll want to eat them right up! Launching now for March’s National Nutrition Month with The Rootlets: Super Rootabilities book (40p. soft cover, SRP $12.99) children and their families will be introduced to The Rootlets, a new generation of superheroes who, with their veggie hair and healthy habits begin the adventure of their lives!


The Rootlets: Super Rootabilities, created and written by Vicki Marquez and illustrated by Jeremy Russnak, introduces readers to the Rootlets – Brocc, Carrotina, Cornelius and Kaley – who live on Planet Planted in the town of VeggieVille with their dog, Basil, and their guardian and caretaker Yammy Grammy, who plucked them from the ground when they were just sprouts..Hilariously fun with bright, bold, colorful illustrations; The Rootlets: Super Rootabilities is a thrilling journey that showcases the super powers of plant-based foods and explores the magic of friendship and imagination.Super Rootabilities is recommended for ages 4-9.


“The Rootlets are so much more than adorable little superheroes, they’re positive role models with the power to help kids embrace and love veggies,” says Marquez. “It’s my dream that families use The Rootlets as an entertaining resource to get their little ones excited about healthy living and yummy plant-based foods in a refreshingly fun way.”


The Rootlets: Super Rootabilities book is the first product launched by The Rootlets brand, whose mission is to familiarize kids with fruits, veggies, and healthy eating. Future Rootlets products include apps, more books, games & toys, and an animated TV show. The Rootlets will also be launching their website, which will be an interactive experience filled with games, activities, learning resources and exclusive content about the characters and their magical world.


“Veggies rock and The Rootlets take veggie coolness to a whole new level – especially for the kiddos. My daughter is a huge fan. Great book, great brand, great message. I can’t wait to see what’s next for these rad little characters,”  says Chad Sarno, Plant-Based Chef Educator.

We received a copy of this book and it’s a good one for children ages 4-9. It is a fun book with great illustrations!  What a fun way to motivate young children to eat healthier!


The Rootlets: Super Rootabilities book is available now for a SRP of $12.99. To order please visit For more information or to join The Rootlets fan club visit


About the Author

As a certified health coach, wellness expert, plant-based chef and author, Vicki Marquez’s dream is to break the stigma that healthy living is boring and to show both kids and adults that plants, especially veggies, are ridiculously cool! Vicki lives in Chicago with her husband, stepdaughter and two quinoa-loving Yorkies.


About the Illustrator

Jeremy Russnak is an illustrator from Chicago.  He has created illustrations for Time Out, Chicago Reader and other publications.  He currently resides in Los Angeles pursuing his passion in the field of animation.


Self Disclosure: I received a free book to facilitate this feature.




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