Manischewitz, the leader in Kosher foods, announces the winner of the first ever #MANIMACS Contest today. Manischewitz asked its consumers to tap into their creative-side to show their most inventive #MANIMACS macaroon characters. Now, the winner Debra Rodgers from Reisterstown, Maryland gets to take home an iPad Air 2 and a $500 Visa Gift Card.
“It’s great that Manischewitz had the #MANIMACS Contest. The contest gave me the perfect opportunity to be creative with my Manischewitz Macaroons,” said Debra Rodgers, winner of the #MANIMACS Contest. “I never expected to win, but I had a lot of fun designing my creation and sharing it with family and friends.”
The contest brought out people’s creativity with a family-fun activity by designing and constructing a macaroon creation then posting on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram with the contest hashtag, #MANIMACSENTRY.
“The #MANIMACS Contest encouraged our fans to have fun and be creative with their macaroons!” said Nora Sordillo, Sr. Associate Brand Manager for The Manischewitz Company. “Getting crafty and coming up with unexpected characters made from consumers’ favorite Manischewitz Macaroons was really fun for us to see. We are really proud of the winner and looking forward to next year!”
Credit: The Manischewitz Company.
About The Manischewitz Company
The Manischewitz Company is a specialty food company that includes the Manischewitz brand®, Season®, Rokeach®, and Mishpacha® brands. The company offers a diversified line of premium kosher food products that covers over 60 different categories.
The Manischewitz® brand was founded in a small bakery built to make Passover matzo in 1888 by Rabbi Dov Behr Manischewitz in Cincinnati, Ohio. In 1932, Rabbi Manischewitz opened a plant in Jersey City, NJ, replacing the operation in Cincinnati. This move paved the way for the introduction of new products like Tam Tam® Crackers, Chicken Soup, Noodles and Gefilte Fish and much more.
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