We’ve all heard that Green Tea is good for you! The natural occurring antioxidants in green tea has been researched, and a wealth of studies show the correlation between green tea antioxidants and cancer prevention, weight loss, improved eye sight, dental health, and cardiovascular health. But, Teas’ Tea is also delicious! I received a few samples and loved the taste! Teas’ Tea is the purest tea and is known as “The Tea of all Teas.” So, now you can really enjoy cold green tea and have all the health benefits! Did you also know that Teas’ Tea recycles the tea leaves used in the tea production, thus up cycling waste making useful items such as uniforms for our worker and drivers, park benches, vending machines and more? To find out more about this wonderful brand of tea, check out their website!
Self Disclosure: I received samples to review.
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