Tax Season is in full swing, but there is no need to freak out! That’s because our friends over at Goodshop have some sweet deals going on, in order to help you make the most of this year’s tax filing. As they say, “Don’t just survive tax season this year. Thrive!” Why are they so chipper? Because they’ve partnered with three premiere online tax filing websites in order to help you get the most savings and donations out of your filing.
By filing your taxes through Goodshop, you can raise a nice little bundle of money for your favorite cause! One Goodshopper, Bendu, raised over $8 for her non-profit simply by clicking through the Goodshop homepage to get to her tax filing site. She describes her experience using Goodshop last week: “I am juiced! Through Goodshop’s partnership with TurboTax, I saved 20% and raised over $8 for Love 113. Every dollar counts— especially when it was generated just by me doing something I already was going to do!”
This partnership is particularly relevant because, according to a Goodshop survey, nearly 74% of people no longer file their taxes with a traditional accountant, and 85% of those people are unaware that there are tons of online coupons— with savings up to 50% off!—that can help them save while they file.
So register with the non-profit you care about most on Goodshop, and then check out the coupons below. Turn your tax filing into a party! But in this kind of party, everyone wins.
With TurboTax, earn a 7.5% donation for your cause
> $20 off a TurboTax Deluxe package
> $25 off a TurboTax Premier Package
> Up to 10% extra to spend on Amazon with a TurboTax Refund Bonus.
With FreeTaxUSA, earn a 32.5% donation for your cause
> 100% Free Federal and 10% off State
With eSmartTax, earn a 12.5% donation for your cause
Self Disclosure: No compensation was received to post. Credit: Our friends at Goodshop.
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