Share #MyBirthReality and win a $100 MAM gift card and $50 package of MAM goodies!

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One of the biggest surprises first-time parents experience is the stark difference between their carefully-regimented birth plans and the reality of going into labor and giving birth. MAM feels sharing your #mybirthreality story will be insightful for expectant parents, as they can learn from current parents’ experiences as well as interesting and entertaining for current parents as they read through and compare their own experiences to others’.

When it comes to birth plans, it pays to expect and accept the unexpected! Did your birth plan differ from your birth reality? Share your story with #MyBirthReality  and we’ll select three winners to win a $100 MAM gift card and a $50 pack of MAM goodies.

See official link and share your story at Contest ends September 4th.

Credit: MAM.


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