Romance and Unexpected Twists In The New Film Safe Haven


A romance, yes, but with unusual twists and a complex story line. That is what makes the new film Safe Haven so interesting to watch. February 14 is known as a day for romance, and this year at the theater is no exception. Rated PG-13 for sexual and adult content, KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, Victoria Burns, age 14, recommends this film, even to those who are not fans of the romance genre, because it is “unique and not cliché.”

Safe Haven hit local theaters on February 14, 2013. Tune in next week to KIDS FIRST! Coming Attractions Radio Show on Voice America Kids, to hear our Film Critics discuss this film and more.

Safe Haven

Reviewed by Victoria Burns

Safe Haven was surprisingly eerie for a romantic movie. I have never seen Julianne Hough play such an intense role before, and she is honest in her acting. She plays a distrusting woman in a new town looking to have no neighbors, friends or any emotional ties, but she forgets that southerners are strangely friendly. Her goal becomes more difficult.

I love the style that the movie is shot, flashing in and out from the present to the past.  This movie follows a woman named Katie who runs away from home, urgently from her husband who is stalking and trying to find her. She takes a bus in a disguise to any town and when the bus stops for a pit stop, she decides that the sleepy and quaint little town she has stopped in is the one for her.

Katie (played by Julianne Hough) has to start over with a new name, house and people.  First she gets a job at a local seafood shack and buys a new house. She stops at the local store for groceries and meets a charming little girl named Lexi (Mimi Kirkland), followed by her dad, Alex (Josh Duhamel), who coincidentally is the same guy that sold her coffee the first day in town. Neither of them at first admit it, but it is clear that there is an instant attraction. From then on, whenever Katie goes to the store she sees Lexie and meets her brother Josh (Noah Lomax) and flirts with Alex.  Katie tells all of her encounters with Alex to her one neighbor Jo(Cobie Smulders), and Jo encourages the idea of Katie dating Alex. The closer Alex and Katie get, the more dangerous their relationship becomes.

There is a twist when Alex, who is friends with the sheriff, sees a wanted for murder post with Katie’s face on it. He confronts her and tells her to leave. Later find out that Katie’s  husband she is running from, is the police. To find out what happens next, you’ll have to see it for yourself.

I give this movie five out of five stars because this romantic movie is unique and not cliché. I would recommend it for ages 13 and up or mature audiences, for the sexual scenes and for scenes of domestic and substance abuse. I am not a fan of romantic movies, but this one was the best I have seen. It even has an exciting twist that I never saw coming. I love this movie and will see it again.

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