Looking for a Pedometer that records Dual Walking & Jogging Modes, Steps To Goal, Distance and Speed? I love the 4×3 runner Digital Pocket 3D Pedometer by Ozeri! My favorite thing is that it features the dual Walking and Running Modes but it also has so much more! It tracks my progress toward Daily Exercise Goals, counts up to 1 million steps and even has a 30-Day Memory! But, wait! There’s more! It tracks your steps, speeds, distance, calories and fat burned and has an Auto Sleep Mode. It also has a manual reset, which is great because not all pedometers have this ability. I also like that it is very simple to use! It is not a complicated gadget that will leave you quickly running for another pedometer! I also like that it comes with a sturdy clip and a lanyard and it’s small enough to always take with you. I finally found a pedometer that I like better than an app! I have also found that it is quite reliable and I don’t go out walking or jogging without it! You can find this product on sale at Amazon.com. Sold by Moderna Housewares LLC and Fulfilled by Amazon.com.
Self Disclosure: I received this product for free to facilitate this review feature but any opinions expressed are my own. Photo Credit: Ozeri.
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