These three little kittens have a lot more on their minds than mittens. They have been working hard on their initial bashfulness so that they’ll be friendly, cuddly, playful, and ready for their new home, or homes! And they are! Actually, boys Ezra (brown tabby scrunched up in back) and Koda (flame-point Siamese-type on right) and their sister, Nora (silver tabby on left), are 8 months old and are not so little anymore, but they’re still kittens and have a lot of years to spend playing with and purring for loving humans. Shelter adoptions are conducted through appointment, so contact PetAdopt@longbeach.gov to meet the three not-so-little kittens. Ask for ID#A662263 for Nora, ID#A662265 for Ezra and ID#A662264 for Koda.
(This rescue encouraged by the usual suspects.)
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