Based on a true story about an Irish woman Christina Noble who flies into Ho Chi Minh City (formerly Saigon) after the war and leaves behind an extraordinary life story. Christina lands in a country “that she wouldn’t be able to show you on a map” with a few dollars, a dream and her own hard-won courage, and changes everything. For hundreds of thousands of people. Forever. Noble is the inspirational true story of a woman who believes that it only takes one person to make a difference. And of how she is proved right. KIDS FIRST! Film Critic Hailee H. comments, “It helped me realize that a kid’s life in America can be so much easier than a kid’s life in other countries. It also inspired me to help others that are not as fortunate as I am.” See her full review below.
By Hailee H., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 14
The inspirational film Noble is very enlightening. It helped me realize that a kid’s life in America can be so much easier than a kid’s life in other countries. It also inspired me to help others that are not as fortunate as I am. The movie is very well acted, in terms of creating believable character. Noble is a film that touched me emotionally and mentally and definitely put a new perspective on life.
The film is about an Irish woman named Christina Noble. The movie shows three parts of Christina’s life – her childhood played by Gloria Curtis, her teens and twenties played by Sarah Greene and her midlife years played by Deirdre O ‘Kane. Christina has a revelation through a dream that makes her to decide to help the homeless children in Vietnam to prevent their childhood from turning into an unfortunate childhood. Christina creates very strong bonds and connections with the people in Vietnam while on her crazy adventure of helping children.
The main character, Christina Noble has a very protective, brave and emotionally strong personality. I enjoyed how the director Stephen Bradley separates the film into three parts to show Christina’s difficult life as a young child and into teens and twenties. When she gets older, she starts helping kids. One of the interesting part of film is the editing which is not sorted chronologically. Instead, it is all mixed together. For example, there might be a scene showing her in her teens and twenties. Then, it’s followed with one from her childhood. The next scene might show her in middle age. The acting is very believable. In fact, at one point, I found myself in tears and, at another point, smiling. The film is like an emotional roller coaster. The cinematography is also very good. It is very good. I was very impressed and inspired.
I rate this film five out of five stars and recommend it for children age 12 to 18 because of some adult content and some inappropriate language. This film is playing in theaters now so, check it out.
Credit: KIDS FIRST! Upcoming Attractions.
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