Do you have a child who has an interest in Photography? The National Geographic Children’s Books: National Geographic Kids Guide to Photography: Tips & Tricks on How to Be A Great Photographer From the Pros and Your Pals at My Shot (National Geographic Children’s Books; August 4, 2015; ages 8-12) by legendary National Geographic photographer Annie Griffiths and children’s author Nancy Honovich is the book to buy!
It was just released this week and I received a copy and I was really impressed with this fun fact-filled book. My 11-year-old son really seemed to like it and recommends it to other kids in his age group. I have always had an interest in photography and found this a very comprehensive and helpful book. I like that it really is kid-friendly and fun to read. I love Annie’s Tips! (See below!)
You can purchase here!
Self Disclosure: I received a free sample to facilitate this post.Photo/Tips credit to National Geographic, Annie Griffiths and Nancy Honovich.
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