My Little Pony Friendship is Magic: Soarin’ Over Equestria offers a compilation of five episodes from the popular TV series following Rainbow Dash’s quest to join the elite team of Pegasus called Wonder Bolts. Joined by all your favorite winged Ponies, they show you Equestria the way it was meant to be seen… from above! KIDS FIRST! Film Critic Gerry O. comments, “…there have been many great episodes. Some are adventurous, some funny but always entertaining. My Little Pony Friendship is Magic: Soarin’ Over Equestria has five episodes from all six seasons that truly demonstrate hilarious moments, wonderful stories and fantastic morals.” See his full review below.
My Little Pony Friendship is Magic: Soarin’ Over Equestria
By Gerry O., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, Age 14
After six years of the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic cartoons, there have been many great episodes. Some are adventurous, some funny but always entertaining. The DVD, My Little Pony Friendship is Magic: Soarin’ Over Equestria has five episodes from all six seasons that truly demonstrate hilarious moments, wonderful stories and fantastic morals.
This series is mostly an adventure but there are many more elements to the show. There is very mild and child friendly drama, as well as a good amount of humor that will make audiences laugh. On top of that, there is the occasional action scene that is child friendly, but exciting. These genres are truly shown in the five episodes on this DVD.
Even though all the episodes are from different seasons, they all follow the story of one of the characters, Rainbow Dash (Ashleigh Ball) trying to accomplish her dream of joining a very elite team of Pegasus, called the Wonder Bolts. There isn’t a central plot related to the main story of the show, so those who haven’t seen the show before do not have to worry about being able to follow the story.
Despite there being six seasons, over 100 episodes, multiple movies and more, the show is still fresh and exciting. There are many big plot reveals in the latest seasons and it never loses its charm. This can truly be seen in these five episodes because, despite some being six years apart in release, they all still have an even level of quality, from colorful but detailed animation, to spectacular voiceover work. The DVD also comes with a sing-along bonus feature that younger kids will enjoy. The biggest part about this DVD is, of course, the morals about friendship. Each message is different, from getting over fears, to don’t make wrong assumptions or don’t fall to peer pressure. All of them are good morals that both kids and adults could learn from and are important ones that should be followed in life.
My favorite episode is Testing Testing, 1, 2 ,3. In this episode, Rainbow Dash needs to take a test to sign up to be part of the Wonder Bolts. The main problem is she has never really studied for anything before, so all her friends attempt to help her study in different ways. I like this episode because it talks about how everyone studies differently and the plot of this episode is a perfect example. Some people like flashcards, while others like little films about it. Another great feature about this episode is that it’s hilarious and the story has an unexpected ending.
This DVD is meant for young children and I recommend it for ages 4 to 18. Younger kids may not appreciate it fully and I know plenty of older ones who are still fans. I give this DVD 5 out of 5 stars for its beautiful songs, colorful animation, emotional voice acting and complex but entertaining plots. This DVD is available now.
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