Age Range: 4-8 years
Grade Level: Kindergarten-3rd
Sofia and Maddi live in the same neighborhood, play in the same park, and go to the same school. But while Sofia’s fridge at home is full, Maddi’s fridge is empty – white empty – with just a small container of milk.
“Why doesn’t your mom go to the store?” Sofia asks.
“We don’t have enough money.”
“But what if you get hungry?”
“We have some bread,” Maddi says.
“Please don’t tell anyone.”
Sofia promises Maddi she won’t tell, but is determined to help her best friend. She sneaks food for Maddi in her bag and discovers that, while fish and eggs are good for kids, they aren’t very good for backpacks. Despite Sofia’s very best efforts, Maddi’s fridge is still empty.
Sofia promised not to tell. Now what can she do?
I received a copy of this book and love how it addresses such an important topic. I highly recommend for children ages 4+.
You can find the book on
** 10% of profits donated to help fight childhood hunger.
About the Author:
Lois Brandt is a children’s fiction writer whose new book Maddi’s Fridge, is the first picture book to address child hunger in the United States. It was inspired by Brandt’s childhood memory of opening her friend’s refrigerator and finding only condiments and a lunch milk carton her friend had saved from school for her little brother. Brandt, who holds an MFA from Northwest Institute of Literary Arts, served as a Peace Corps volunteer in West Africa.
Self Disclosure: I received a free book to facilitate this post.
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