Love Is In The Air With These Printable Valentine’s Day Cards & Recipes From Friends TV – #OwnFriendsTV

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, and in honor of TV’s most lovable couple and epic circle of besties – we have everything you need to get you through the holiday! Valentine’s Day is traditionally associated with chocolate, romance, flowers, and the exchange of cards! Didn’t get your cards to pass out this year yet? Well don’t freak out like Rachel would – just download, print and send these Friends themed cards to your favorite “lobster” and make their Valentine’s Day more lovable!
Download Valentine’s You can f ind the cards here: As far as TV relationships go, who doesn’t want a relationship like Monica and Chandler had on Friends? They were perfect together! They knew everything about each other, flaws and all, and still loved each other — and that is true unconditional love – and what Valentine’s Day is all about! Hoping to impress your honey on V-Day, with more than a mixed taped? Well, look no further – as we have the perfect dinner and dessert for you. We urge you bake, document and share these delicious recipes in honor Monica & Chandler and their dynamic love! Start dinner off with Monica’s Meat Lasagna & treat yourself to Chandler’s “Can This BE Any More Fattening?” Cheesecake! Don’t worry about the calories – they don’t count – it’s a National holiday!
Download Chandler’s Cheesecake:
Download Monica’s Lasagna:
Can’t agree on what to watch on TV for the big day? Make it easy and download your sweetheart’s favorite Friends episodes to cap off your evening. All individual seasons and compilation sets are available to purchase here: All seasons are also available to own at all major digital retailers; including iTunes, VUDU, Amazon Prime, and Google. Don’t know what to gift your loved one? Stop scrambling – as you can purchase the DVD or Blu-ray sets from all major retailers – including Walmart, Target, and Amazon. If you purchase the digitally remastered Blu-ray Complete Series set – you will get over 110 hours of content – including all 236 original broadcast episodes, plus 20 hours of special features. Your partner will scream “Oh. My. God!” just like Janice – when they open up this must own collectors set! 

 Happy Valentine’s Day from Rachel, Ross, Joey, Chandler, Monica, and Phoebe!

Credit: Friends. Information and images were provided to share with my readers.

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