Lena and Pauline, June 27 Pets of the Week–Signal-Trib, these guys have to go together!

Sometimes, it’s hard to be amusing when you tell the stories of our shelter pets. Lena and Pauline are each 10 years old. Their human, who obviously loved them very much, had cancer. With no one around to give them the care and affection they were used to, Pauline and Lena wound up at our shelter. Lena is a lovely green-eyed tabby with a little tortie sprinkled around—she’s shy at first but warms up fast. Pauline is a tortie with an attitude of curiosity and a desire for attention. They need to go home together—they’re all they have now. Meet them both on the shelter side of the Companion Animal Village at 7700 East Spring St., (562) 570-PETS. Ask for ID#A627422 for Lena and ID#A627422 for Pauline.

(This rescue encouraged by the usual suspects.)

Credit: Courtesy of the Companion Animal Village.


  1. Oh, my gosh, aren’t they beautiful!

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