Leia is the Pet of the Week

Leia, January 28 Pet of the Week

One person’s trash is not just another’s treasure. Leia, a 3-year-old American Staffie mix, is a jewel to every shelter volunteer and staff member. She richly deserves her name and princess tiara. Leia was found by a good Samaritan in a dumpster. She was as skinny as a rail and had apparently seen some tough times. But you wouldn’t know it—she loves to be petted and rewards you with sweet, gentle kisses. Want to add Leia to your treasure chest? Meet her on the shelter side of the Companion Animal Village at 7700 East Spring St., (562) 570-PETS. Ask for ID#A561811.


(The usual suspects contributed to this rescue)

Credit: Courtesy of the Companion Animal Village.

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