How have you or your child participated in giving back to your community lately?

I seriously have been thinking about teaching my child how to give back to the community. We will be attending a Clean up the Beach Day next month. I worked at a non-profit for years before I started homeschooling my son and so helping others is very important to me! Are there ways that you give back to the community? We would love to hear all about them!

 Music is and always has been something important to me! My son and I  homeschool but we do have many friends that are in public schools so I do know that extra activities such as Music is often cut in many schools. Now, there is a way to help! We can help save Music in a school! I know, we can’t help every school but helping even one school is so important! We can help KIPP Academy.A small school in the Bronx, KIPP Academy works hard to support kids who need all the help they can get. Ninety-five percent of its students qualify for free or reduced-cost lunch. More than one in seven receives special education services. Music helps KIPP Academy reach and engage every child who enters its doors. The slogan on the Music Room wall sets the stage—All of Us Will Learn Music.  No matter what backgrounds they come from or what challenges they face, they learn lessons together that will serve them the rest of their lives.
Here’s how you can help:
Click on this link!  Schoola will donate $1 to KIPP Academy for those who shop on Schoola. KIPP Academy has a Goal: $25,000 to fund the music program!  So check it out and request a Schoola donation bag. You really will be helping such a great cause!
Self Disclosure: Compensation will be received as this is for a paid promotion but it is also a cause that SoCal City Kids strongly believes in.



  1. My son and I also participate in clean up beach days and are planning to help this Thanksgiving with feeding the homeless.

  2. Jim Lipscomb says

    My wife did a countdown to Christmas with my daughter that included once nice way to give back each day leading up to Christmas. Cleaning a public trail, treats to the local police, carolling at the senior center, and even a random bag of microwave popcorn taped to the RedBox machine were some of the many activities of this annual altrusitic advent.

  3. Sounds great! We love hearing these comments! Please keep sharing! 🙂

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