Heifer International Celebrates Read to Feed® Month this April

April is Read to Feed® month at Heifer International and a great time to get classrooms started in this reading incentive program. Read to Feed® fosters a love for reading, a passion to help others and a motivation to help create a better world. And, you can earn free books for your class.


This April, Heifer is adding a special book giveaway to celebrate Read to Feed month. To thank you for your support, any class that donates $600 through Read to Feed between April 1 and June 15 will receive 30 copies of one of three Read to Feed books. For a class of 30 students, that’s $20 per student.


Lamb Chop and Mallory Lewis help encourage kids to Read to Feed (clidk to see video).


Learn more about Heifer’s Read to Feed program and discover that reading really can change the world.


“The students started reading and did not look back. It is interesting to me that each year we offer the kids prizes to read–we have never seen them read like this,” said Laura Stoner, Teacher and Parent Teacher Organization representative for the Morgan Township Reading Counts Program, which has had a very successful Read to Feed® program.


“I think the difference [with Read to Feed®] has been that when they read they make a difference for someone else. I also think that they grasped the idea of community. When each one does a little it adds up to a lot,” continued Stoner.

Heifer International is grateful to the students, teachers and staff at schools and libraries like Morgan Township across the United States and around the world, who devote so much time and energy to become a part of our mission to end hunger and poverty.


With Read to Feed, students get sponsors for each book (or chapter/page) they read. Their gift of farm animals and training helps families around the world begin a life of hope and opportunity! There is no limit to the number of classrooms within a school that may participate, so invite others to join you!

For details on this special offer and Read to Feed, or to order materials including a leader’s guide and lesson plans, please visit www.readtofeed.org, call 877-275-READ (7323) or e-mail info@heifer.org


About Heifer International:
Heifer’s mission is to end hunger and poverty while caring for the Earth. For 70 years, Heifer International has provided livestock and environmentally sound agricultural training to improve the lives of those who struggle daily for reliable sources of food and income. Heifer is currently working in more than 30 countries, including the United States, to help families and communities become more self-reliant. For more information, visit 
www.heifer.org, read our blog, follow us on Facebook or Twitter, or call 1-888-5HUNGER (888-548-6437).


Not only can you earn free books, your students will find a new appreciation for reading while making a difference in the world, developing a sense of global community and being a part of changing the lives of children and families around the world.


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