Healthy lunchbox must-haves also make lunch time at school more fun!


What goes into your child’s lunchbox  to encourage them to make healthier food choices at school?

Here’s your healthy lunch checklist according to an article on Web MD:
•    Whole-grain crackers and peanut butter
•    Raw broccoli, carrots and peppers with hummus dip
•    Clementine orange
•    Lunchbox Buddies note

I recently received samples if the Lunchbox Buddies notes and they really will add some fun to your child’s lunch at school. It’s a nice way to make your child smile or laugh when you are apart.


Created by professional designer and father of three, Jim Adorney, Lunchbox Buddies provides a quick and easy way to make healthy lunches more fun. With creative collections ranging from superheroes to space creatures, each packet of Lunchbox Buddies contains a month’s worth of silly characters and messages to add excitement to what kids may consider to be a ‘boring’ healthy lunch.

To find out more, go to Lunchbox Buddies.

Self Disclosure: I received free samples to facilitate this post.

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