Have you tried a2 Milk® yet?


“This post was sponsored by a2 Milk® as part of an Ambassador Program for Influence Central. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.”

 Have you tried a2 Milk® yet? 

What I like best about a2 Milk® is that it is pure farm fresh milk. My nephew, who is “self-diagnosed” with lactose intolerance issues has tried a2 Milk® by my suggestion and has been quite surprised that he has not experienced any post-dairy digestive discomfort like he does with regular milk. He has not been diagnosed by a Doctor with having lactose-intolerance issues. According to an independent study not all Americans that have discomfort after drinking milk have been actually diagnosed with a lactose intolerance medical condition. The study claims that only 5-7% of the population has been clinically diagnosed with a lactose intolerance medical condition.

My nephew does not fall in the 5-7% of the population and he  actually really likes milk but when he drinks regular milk, he often gets a stomach ache. This is not the case with a2 Milk®.  He actually is quite excited that he no longer has to cut out milk. He would often try soy and almond milk but he wasn’t as thrilled with the taste.  a2 Milk® is the pure replacement to chemically processed alternatives and now there is no need to cut out milk or switch to soy or almond milk!

One reason a2 Milk® is different is that there is no A1 protein. The A1 protein is found in all the conventional & organic milks found in stores in the the US. The A1 protein is the reason for the ‘Post-Dairy Digestive Discomfort.’’ a2 Milk® only comes from specially selected cows, ‘the way mother nature intended.’

I don’t really experience lactose intolerance issues when drinking regular milk but I do like the taste of a2 Milk®. But, I had believed that soy milk was a healthier choice for me so I had switched from regular milk to soy.

But, then I thought…what about calcium?  I mean that is a big reason to drink milk, right? a2 Milk® contains about 6x the amount of calcium as soy milk and approximately 8x the protein of almond beverages and approximately 6x the potassium levels of rice beverages. So, over all…a2 Milk® is a healthier choice for me! a2 Milk® is now the top choice for my family.


So, if you haven’t yet tried a2 Milk®, you really should! Now, is your chance! You do have the chance to try a2 Milk® for FREE through a receipt-redemption offer on their website! To redeem a receipt for the full purchase price of the a2 Milk®, go to their website.  You can also enter their contest for a chance to win a trip to Australia courtesy of  a2 Milk®. Now, how cool is that?! I’ve always wanted to go there! Sounds like a trip of a lifetime!  So, what are you waiting for?

Where to find a2 Milk®: https://a2milk.com/find/

a2 Milk® Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/a2milkUSA/
a2 Milk® Twitter: https://twitter.com/a2milk

Self Disclosure: “This post was sponsored by a2 Milk® as part of an Ambassador Program for Influence Central. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.”

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