Snowball the Cat as Princess Leia!
Do you have a Pet who refuses to wear a complete Halloween costume? There’s no way I am getting my Cats in anything other than something that goes on their head. It also helps if Snowball is half asleep. But, she actually seemed to like being Princess Leia! You can find this adorable Pet costume at
My other cat wasn’t as much of a fan but then Titan isn’t the biggest fan of any type of costume!
He must be thinking this: “Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You’re my only hope.”~Princess Leia.
My favorite Pet headband is the Yoda Ears and my Pup Bink was fine with it…he refuses to wear costumes. I think he figured if he cooperates he will receive a treat….
“Patience you must have.” ~Yoda
“May the Force be with you.” ~Yoda
Happy Halloween!
Self Disclosure: I received free samples to facilitate this post. Quotes: Princess Lei and Yoda. Images: SoCal City Kids. No compensation was received to post.
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