Free your ears…. with EarPlanes™ for Adults and EarPlanes™ for Kids (ages 1 to 11, or adults with smaller ears)!


If you will be traveling by air for business or pleasure soon, or know someone who will be, keep in mind that ear pain and discomfort – clogging, popping, pressure (and the resulting temporary hearing loss) – particularly in young children, can really put a damper on the adventure to and from.  Our bodies can have trouble equalizing the air pressure difference between the plane’s cabin atmosphere and the inner ear – a condition called barotrauma that is experienced by roughly 25% of all air travelers. That % rises in children, since their narrow Eustachian tubes are more sensitive than adults (hence, all those screaming kids on flights).  Barotrauma is the most common medical complaint of airplane travelers, but the good news is that it is the most preventable!

Celebrating its 20th anniversary, the patented, pressure-regulating EarPlanes has a unique design that provides protection from ear pain and discomfort during flight. Recommended by doctors, flight attendants and having received the Good Housekeeping Seal, EarPlanes are made of soft, hypoallergenic latex-free silicone for a comfortable fit.  The unique and exclusive CeramX™ filter inside of the EarPlanes ear plug regulates air pressure naturally. Yet, even airline flight safety announcements can still be heard (and headsets worn for music and movies) by users. I received a pair of these to try out and can’t wait to try them next time I am on an airplane!  I do like that they seem to be comfortable!


Why EarPlanes™? Because they are…

…the only earplug of its kind that works

…safe and comfortable

…convenient and affordable

…high quality

…available for adults and children

…the best in the market



Check out EarPlanes on the TODAY Show!

EarPlanes and EarPlanes for Kids are available at major drug, mass market and airport retailers, such as CVS, Walgreens, WalMart, Paradies, Hudson News and many others  for an average retail price of $9.00.


For more info,, news and offers, connect with EarPlanes at or

We are having a giveaway! One subscriber can win their own EarPlanes. First, you must be a subscriber to enter! Next, go to their Facebook page and “like” them. Then, leave us a comment below telling us you would like to win! Deadline to enter is February 28th, 2013 at midnight. One winner will randomly be selected from all entries. Winner will receive both the Adults and the Kids.




  1. We just planned a trip there would be awesome!

  2. Great for kids, they don’t understand the cause of their discomfort and these sill be very helpful.

  3. i would love to win this

  4. Congrats Jenn T!

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