This film explores the back story of the infamous Count Dracula, telling how Vlad Tepes makes a deal with dangerous supernatural forces when faced with threats to his kingdom and his family, Starring Luke Evans, Dominic Cooper and Sarah Gadon, this film is rated PG-13 due to intense acts of violence and some sensuality. KIDS FIRST! Film Critic Simone S., comments, “Dracula Untold is an intense love story that changes everything we know about the world’s most famous vampire.” Patrick N. adds, “This movie is very dark in the sense of horror. The characters and battles are very graphic and scary. The plot of the movie was very unique but it lacks fluidity.” See their full reviews below.
Dracula Untold
By Simone Sharrieff, KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, Age: 14
Dracula Untold is an intense love story that changes everything we know about the world’s most famous vampire. Dracula undergoes a complete makeover, trading his creepy castle in for a palace fit for a king. That’s right, Dracula better known as “Vlad the Impaler” is a Slavic prince and protector of his people. This movie tries to stay true to some of the history behind the classic story of Dracula which is interesting, but also confusing.
Vlad, played by Luke Evans is a prince who may be brutal on the battlefield, but is adored by his citizens. When war with a neighboring nation seems unavoidable he is forced to do something that will change his life forever. He locates a great evil that will give him super speed, strength, and the ability to fly. He will get these powers and many more for three days if he can resist the urge to drink human blood, but if he gives in he will stay like this for the rest of eternity. The deal seems simple at the time but the safety of Vlad’s people and family is at risk. Now it’s up to him to protect himself and those he loves from the war.
My favorite thing about this film is definitely the special effects. They make the movie less scary and more action packed and thrilling. I also like how unpredictable the movie is. You never know exactly what was going to next and, it is still fun watching it all play out.
The most entertaining character in the entire movie is the “master vampire” played by Charles Dance. He makes a lasting impression on the audience because of how he makes his character scary, but interesting. He also plays a very important role in the storyline. My favorite part of the movie is when Dracula unleashes his powers on an entire army for the first time. This scene is jaw-dropping due to the animation and special effects. Also, the music adds excitement to the movie.
I recommend Dracula Untold for ages 14 to 18 because of some more mature scenes and I give it 5 out of 5 stars. Dracula Untold flies into theaters October 10th so please be sure to check it out.
Dracula Untold
by Patrick Nguyen, age 14
This classic story is brought back to life in Dracula Untold which presents a whole new take on the tale by explaining the origins of the deadly vampire. This version tells the story of prince Vlad of Transylvania who has to fight the all mighty Turks. His troops are greatly out numbered, therefore he travels to a mystical mountain and asks a devil figure for help. The devil figure offers to give him great strength, keen senses and super speed for his mortal life. Vlad ultimately agrees and ends up drinking blood which makes him become the iconic Dracula.
This movie is very dark in the sense of horror. The characters and battles are very graphic and scary. The plot of the movie was very unique but it lacks fluidity. The plot starts very early in the movie which is a bit of a shocker because it jumps to the middle of all the action. The cinematography, CGI and animations are amazing, but the editing is a bit choppy and, as a result, it lacks a smooth storyline. The script is bit disappointing because it uses a lot of iconic lines such as “let the games begin” which is greatly is overused and lacks creativity.
The actors are all rising stars. Luke Evans is superb as Vlad and provides a new look once he is transformed into Dracula. He definitely fits the role with his very masculine presence as the prince and also by showing a dark side when portraying Dracula.
With a prince comes a princess, portrayed by Sarah Gadon. Her chemistry on screen with Luke Evans is unsteady. They do not seem to be truly in love with each other. Overall the movie is weak when compared to other action movies. The attempt to make a new storyline for Dracula is confusing. All the cuts between scenes make the movie lack fluidity.
I give this movie 4 out of 5 stars because of its confusing plot and weak script. This movie is rated PG-13. The genre of the movie is action / horror due to its violent and dark scenes. I recommend this movie for ages 13 to 18 with parental advice. Dracula Untold releases October 10 at your local theater so, if you’re looking for a Halloween themed movie, definitely check it out. Reviewed by Patrick Nguyen, KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 14.
Credit: KIDS FIRST! Upcoming Attractions,
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