DJ Slims for the whole family!

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Are you tired of headphones with wires? I know that my soon to be 11-year-old son loves headphones but hates being plugged in so I was quite excited to learn about the DJ Slims sold by  Outdoor Tech. Finally wireless headphones with super comfortable ear pads! Great sound and even a built-in Mic for talking on the phone or Skype! Now, how cool is that?! I received these to try out and am amazed by the great clear sound. I so wish I could keep these for myself but my son has an upcoming birthday and he will absolutely LOVE these! They really are perfect for everyone in the family! They are available in Blue, Black or White and retail for $69.95.

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Like I said…prefect for everyone in the family!

Self Disclosure: I received a free pair of DJ Slims to facilitate this feature but any opinions expressed are my own. Photo Credit: Outdoor Tech.


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