“Dino Time” is the story of a daredevil kid named Ernie, his little sister Julia, and his best friend Max, who, while horsing around in Max’s inventor father’s workshop, accidentally trip a time-machine into operation and find themselves transported back in time 65 million years, where they’re adopted by doting dinosaur mom Tyra (Melanie Griffith) and a rambunctious dinosaur “brother” named Dodger (Rob Schneider). The three kids explore the excitement of the prehistoric world – trying to steer clear of  Tyra’s evil dinosaur rivals (William Baldwin and Stephen Baldwin) – while, back in the present day, Max’s dad and Ernie and Julia’s overprotective mom (Jane Lynch) plot their rescue.

From Clarius Entertainment  DINO TIME is coming out December 7th. SoCal City Kids readers have been invited to attend an early screening on November 13th. You can go to www.gofobo.com/rsvp to download your free tickets with the code: LAMOMS41RL.


Tuesday, November 13


AMC Burbank 16

125 East Palm Avenue

Burbank, CA 91502

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