Christmas Gifts from Hallmark!

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It’s that magical Christmas time and I can’t believe that Christmas is only a a few days away! Looking for some fun ways to make the season even more magical? These are some of our favorites from Hallmark.

The  Northpole Communicator Interactive Microphone is s fun way for younger children to communicate with the Northpole. My son is a little older so he wasn’t completely into this but our little nephew is having so much fun with this! His mom emails me daily to tell me how much he loves this!

Our favorite is the Find Me, Santa! Snowflake! This really is cool! It lights up so Santa can find you on Christmas Eve. You can add your child’s name and hang it on a doorknob or anywhere you would like. Great idea if you are travelling away from home for Christmas but it is also good if you are just staying home. The coolest thing is that on Christmas Eve, you can hold down the button for four seconds and the snowflake will stay glowing for hours.

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More fun products for the kids are the Christmas books. We received the Nighty-Night Interactive Christmas book that lights up. This one is perfect for this week especially Christmas Eve! Last, but not least…is the Northpole Magic Mail Stationery. The Magic Ink reveals messages from Santa & the elves. Your freezer is the actual mailbox. Too much fun!

You can find all of these products (and many more) at Hallmark store locations near you!


Self Disclosure: I received the products listed above to facilitate this Holiday gift Feature. Photo Credit: Hallmark.



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