HISTORY COMICS: ROSA PARKS & CLAUDETTE COLVIN by Tracey Baptiste; illustrated by Shauna J. Grant (First Second, on sale January 3, 2023, Ages 8-12): Turn back the clock with History Comics! In this volume, learn about two brave women who stood up against segregation, setting in motion the Montgomery Bus Boycott! I really found this book fun and educational and highly recommend for ages 8-12.

THE LIBRARIAN OF AUSCHWITZ: THE GRAPHIC NOVEL by Antonio Iturbe, illustrated by Loreto Aroca (Henry Holt, January 3, 2023, Ages 8-12): In a graphic novel format for middle grade readers, this is based on the incredible true story of the librarian of Auschwitz, Dita Kraus. Faced with the extreme challenges of life in Auschwitz, she — at fourteen years old — risked her life to keep the magic of books alive in the Holocaust. I actually really enjoyed reading this book and recommend it for ages 8-12.
Self Disclosure: I received free copies of the above books to facilitate this post. Cover images were also provided.
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