Brisk Ice Tea is a Summer Must-Have!

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I recently received a few samples of the new flavors from Brisk Tea. My favorite is the Sweet Tea! It isn’t too sweet and it is just sweet enough! The Brisk Iced Tea in Lemon is also a hit with me! These two teas are my to-go-to drinks this Summer. My husband and son also liked the Brisk Half & Half Flavors (Iced tea and Lemonade). Look for them where Brisk products are sold!

Don’t forget about Summer sweepstakes that Brisk is having!  You may remember my posting last month.  From now to August 9, consumers that spot any Brisk can art (mural, stencils and even the product) can take a photo of it, upload to Twitter or Instagram and use #ThatsBriskBaby #Entry to be automatically entered for a chance to win awesome prizes. Consumers can even re-post an image of the Brisk can and use the proper hashtags to enter to win.

Check it out here:

Self Disclosure: I received free samples to facilitate this post.

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