Look at Bosco, all ready to trick-or-treat with you! Bosco’s a sweetheart, described by a shelter volunteer as a “king goofasaurus derp face with Marty Feldman eyes.” He’s also been at the shelter for a long, long time, and that’s no treat. Without rescue or foster, Bosco might not see the next Halloween. This guy loves to play, is affectionate and tops it all off with a goofy grin. He’s also great on leash, so you can walk off all that Halloween candy at the park with him! With Bosco in your house, you’ll have your tricks and treats in one place! You can speed the process to adopt or foster Bosco and any of our other pets by emailing PetAdopt@longbeach.gov or petfoster@longbeach.gov. You can also call (562) 570-4925. Even better, stop by during our new open walk-in hours every Wednesday through Sunday from 11 a.m.–3 p.m. Our shelter is located at 7700 E. Spring St. Ask for ID#A696134 to meet Bosco.
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