Have a Middle Schooler? This one is a must-read!
Schiffer Publishing, Ltd., is pleased to announce the release of Just One Thing! by N. Viau with drawings by Timothy Young, a funny NEW middle-grade novel about that awesome (and awkward) final year of elementary school.
This is one that middle school age (and soon to be middle-school age) will relate to!
Every child about to enter middle school will be able to relate to this heart-warming, funny story. Anthony Pantaloni needs to figure out one thing he does well—one thing that will replace the Antsy Pants nickname he got tagged with on the first day of fifth grade, one good thing he can “own” before moving up to middle school next year. It seems that every kid at Carpenter Elementary has a claim to fame: Marcus is Mr. Athletic, Alexis is Smart Aleck, Bethany has her horse obsession, and even Cory is known as the toughest kid in the school. Ant tries lots of things, but nothing sticks! It doesn’t help that there are obstacles along the way—a baton-twirling teacher, an annoying cousin, and Dad’s new girlfriend, to name a few. Just One Thing!is chock full of hilarious adventures that will keep young readers cheering until the very end. For ages 8–12.
About the Author and Illustrator Nancy Viau no longer worries about finding her one thing, for she now has quite a few things she loves, like being a mom, writing, traveling, and working as a librarian assistant. She is the author of the picture books City Street Beat, Look What I Can Do! and Storm Song, and an additional middle grade novel, Samantha Hansen Has Rocks in Her Head. Nancy grew up in the Philadelphia suburbs and lives in South Jersey. |
Timothy Young has done design work for Pee-Wee’s Playhouse, the Muppets, Disney, the Simpsons, and Universal Studios. He is the author/illustrator of six published picture books including I Hate Picture Books! andThe Angry Little Puffin. He lives with his family on Maryland’s Eastern Shore.
About the Publisher Schiffer Publishing, Ltd. is a family-owned, independent publisher of high-quality books. Since 1974, Schiffer has published thousands of titles on the diverse subjects that fuel our readers’ passions. From our traditional subjects of antiques and collectibles, arts and crafts, and military history, Schiffer has expanded its catalog to publish books on contemporary art and artists; architecture and design; food and entertaining; the metaphysical, paranormal and folklore; and pop and fringe culture, as well as books for children. Visit www.schifferbooks.com to explore our backlist of more than 5,800 titles.
This next one is a fun one for young children! Yes, it really is by Kenny Loggins! It is such a fun story and even comes with a CD with new recordings by Kenny Loggins! This is just a lively, fun and entertaining story with really likable animal characters! A must-read for children and adults! Click here to find out where to buy!
Do you have a son? This next one is a must-read!
Ten Conversations You Must Have with Your Son: Preparing Your Son for a Happy and Successful Life (a TarcherPerigee paperback; on sale October 11, 2016) by veteran headmaster and internationally recognized parenting expert Dr. Tim Hawkes. This is a valuable book that has great advise for parents about how to establish identity, how to be a leader and so much more! I like that it also has advise on how boys can set goals and achieve them. I also like that it has great advise on hard to approach topics such as relationships and sex. This is a very positive book and I highly recommend!
ABOUT THE AUTHOR:TIM HAWKES is the author of several books including Boy Oh Boy: How To Raise And Educate a Son and the Learning Leadership series. He has taught in England and Australia for over 35 years and been a headmaster for much of that time. A highly regarded educational resource, author and social commentator, Tim Hawkes is in demand as a conference speaker around the world. He is married and has three adult children, including a son. Look for this book on Amazon.com.
This next one is another great one for Parents! DHARMA PARENTING is a must-read! This one is by by leading brain researchers Dr. Robert Keith Wallace and Dr. Frederick Travis. In this ground-breaking title, Wallace and Travis draw on contemporary scientific research and the time-tested knowledge of Ayurvedic typology to explain our children’s natural inclinations (i.e. why one child learns quickly and forgets quickly while another learns slowly and forgets slowly; why one child is hyperactive and another slow moving; or why one falls asleep quickly but wakes in the night while another takes hours to fall asleep). Using a simple quiz to ascertain their children’s unique brain/body type, readers will discover how to bring each one into a state of balance. Readers will also learn:
I found this to be an interesting and very helpful book to read! One of my favorite topics in the book was actually about how to choose activities that are good for a child’s well-being! I also like that it covers each age group. Find it on Amazon.com. This next one is about how family may not always be who you share a name with. A family is about love. It’s perfect for those who have a different kind of family or are adopted. I highly recommend this beautiful book. ~SoCal City Kids. Discovering your family tree has traditionally been an exciting and enlightening school activity where children learn about their ancestors and share pinnacle stories of their roots. But what happens when, due to adoption, you don’t know your roots? T. Katz, author of No Family Tree For Me, was adopted and knows from personal experience how the vision of a family tree for children in non-traditional and blended families could be somewhat underwhelming when put on paper. In No Family Tree for Me, Katz portrays the story of Tessie Tremaine. Like Katz’s own daughter, Tessie walked on eggshells when asked about her family tree. Both of her parents were adopted. And when she was given an assignment by her English teacher to create her family tree, she couldn’t think of anything worse – imaging a family “twig” rather than a tree. Ultimately, Tessie (and Katz’s daughter) learn that family is what you make of it – not who you share your DNA with. “This book has personal meaning to me, and it was something I knew I needed to write. As a child who was adopted not once, but twice, I’ve been fortunate to become an honorary member of some incredibly loving families,” says Katz. “They instilled in me what is truly important in life … to love and be loved.” Meet T. Katz. She’s a popular radio host in Santa Clarita, CA, known as “Afternoon T.” She’s versed on a wide array of topics and loves hearing stories as much as telling them. Her interests range from discussing medical issues to music to adoption. She has her own interesting story about growing up adopted and her ex-husband found out late in life (by accident) that he, too, was adopted. Subsequently, the topic of blended families is one that she is passionate about. T. Katz is also a successful public speaker. Visit www.lulu.com and www.tkatz.com for more information. I just love the illustrations in this one! Sketchy Stories The Sketchbook Art of Kerby Rosanes
World-renowned artist and author Kerby Rosanes (Never Quit Drawing, Animorphia, Imagimorp The illustrations are absolutely amazing in this book!
![]() You can also purchase on Amazon.com.
![]() Are you an adult? Do you love to color? I know I do! Just sometimes finding the time isn’t the easiest thing to do but I think it is a great way to deal with stress! This is a favorite of mine!
In her new book “Remembrances,” author Leah Palm provides readers with fun memories from her own past that many people are able to relate to and coloring pages that go along with each story to keep people of all ages away from depression and engaged in activities.
I loved reading about all of the memories! I find this to be quite an inspiring book!
More about the Author:
Palm is an army veteran and retired occupational therapist with 33 years of total patient care experience. Living in an independent living facility, she found remembering the past and participating in coloring activities often helps her and other stay happy and active.
You can find it here!
Self Disclosure: I received free books to facilitate this book feature. Photos and info were also provided. No compensation was received.
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