Body Glove SURGE


In honor of Spring Break, Body Glove SURGE will be giving away a $50 gift card to and three FREE cartons of SURGE each week! With a prize value of more than $130, this is not a contest your readers will want to miss out on.

To enter, simply comment on Body Glove SURGE’s Facebook post with your Spring Break plans or Tweet at @BodyGloveSURGE using the hashtag #SurgeYourSpringBreak. Contestants are encouraged to tag friends on social media and must follow Body Glove SURGE on Facebook and Twitter to be eligible. A winner will be selected at random at the end of each week in March – that’s a total of 4 lucky winners!

Below is a link to Body Glove SURGE’s Facebook and Twitter pages announcing the contest.

#SurgeYourSpringBreak Facebook Contest

#SurgeYourSpringBreak Twitter Contest

Body Glove Surge Box

I also had the opportunity to try out the Body Glove SURGE for myself! I like that there are no chemicals, it is Non-GMO and has no artificial ingredients. It’s an all natural energy shot! I also like that it bolsters the immune system and that there is no bad after taste.  A great way to have more energy and be more alert in a healthier way. To find out more, check out

Self Disclosure: I received free samples to facilitate this post. Any opinions expressed are my own. Photo Credit: Body Glove SURGE.

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