Barely Lethal – An Unlikely Action-Adventure Comedy



Barely Lethal is an upcoming independent action-comedy film directed by Kyle Newman and written by John D’Arco, starring Hailee Steinfeld, Jessica Alba, Sophie Turner and Samuel L. Jackson. The unlikely story revolves around a teenage special ops agent who covets a “normal” adolescence only to discover that “normal” isn’t all its cracked up to be. KIDS FIRST! Film Critic Kendyl P. comments, “Barely Lethal is an outstanding movie! …I was on the edge off my seat waiting to see what would happen next!” See her full review below.


Barely Lethal

By Kendyl Powell, KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 13



Barely Lethal is an action packed comedy.  This film is about a teenage girl named Megan Walsh (Hailee Steinfeld) who is a highly trained special ops assassin taught to fight bad guys at a school called Prescott Scouts for Girls. Megan realizes that she is missing out on being a teenager and decides to fake her own death, enroll herself as an exchange student at a traditional American high school and live with a new family. Megan then realizes that high school is more difficult than she thought. Unfortunately, Megan’s former nemesis Victoria Knox (Jessica Alba) tracks her down and tries to destroy her. It’s up to Megan to defend herself and defend her new family.


The message of this movie is life isn’t always the way it seems. Megan does a lot of research and watches a lot of movies and reads a ton of teen magazines about life as high school student. When she is finally able to attend high school, she realizes it is not at all as she expected. Megan also learns one of her closest friends at Prescott is not really a true friend.

My favorite scene is when Megan is fighting off Victoria Knox. It is an intense yet exciting brawl between the two girls. I was on the edge off my seat waiting to see what would happen next!


My favorite character is Maxwell Hardman (Samuel L. Jackson) who is the leader of the Prescott School for Girls where Megan grew up. He is very caring and acts like a father figure to Megan even when he tries to hide it. Agent Maxwell believes in Megan and proves that he will help her if she is ever in need.


Barely Lethal is an outstanding movie! I highly recommend this film for boys and girls ages 13 to18 and give this movie 5 out of 5 shinning stars!. It opens May 29 in select theaters nationwide so, go check it out.

Credit: KIDS FIRST! Upcoming Attractions.

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