Have a college student not living at home? A care package is a wonderful idea! If your college student has special dietary needs, you likely know all too well how difficult it can be to find unique treats that they will love AND that are safe for them. SendingSun has set out to make the transition from home to college easier — and more fun — for all students.
I received a sample and loved that it included a Mug and a Mug Cake mix and a face mask! There are 6 – 8 unique items in every package! Now, how cool is that?! There are Vegetarian, nut-free, and gluten-free options. Delicious cookies and taffy (with gluten-free and nut-free options) are always included — enough to share.
There are single semester and full academic year purchasing options. For more information go to https://www.sendingsun.com/
About: Tracy Schactman is the founder of SendingSun, a company that provides monthly care packages overflowing with quality, unique, fun items — curated by college students for college students, and packaged with a beautiful and modern touch.
Have a Pre-schooler at home? They will love these Magformers Sets!
Introduce kids to magnetic construction with the Magformers Cube House Frog Set! This 20-piece set includes new character pieces – a child in a frog onesie, with a hat that can be swapped for a seal one. The set makes a variety of different mini houses using the magnetic window square, four standard squares, two triangles, a sector and two arches, while extra accessories include three floor inserts, two windows, a chair, picture and a slide. This amazing roleplay set features Magformers’ Rotating Magnets System, where small magnets safely sealed in every edge of the magnetic pieces actually spin, so they always connect. With an A3 instruction sheet the Cube House Frog set is fun and educational. Ages 3+. MSRP $24.99.
Introduce kids to magnetic construction with the Magformers Cube House Penguin Set! This 20-piece set includes a brand new character – a cute kid in a penguin onesie, with a hat that can be swapped for a bear one. The set makes a variety of different mini houses using the magnetic window square, five standard squares, floor and wall pieces, a tricycle and table. This amazing roleplay set features Magformers’ Rotating Magnets System, where small magnets safely sealed in every edge of the magnetic pieces actually spin, so they always connect. With an A3 instruction sheet the Cube House Penguin set is fun and educational. Ages 3+. MSRP $24.99.
Look for them at Target, Walmart, and Amazon.com.
Self Disclosure: I received free samples to facilitate this post. Images were also provided.
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