Allprovide’s fresh dog food is made from all-natural, restaurant quality ingredients. The food can be served naturally (raw) or cooked in its microwavable pouches. It comes frozen and should be refrigerated. Meal options include chicken, turkey or beef and the recipes are gluten, grain and soy free for dogs sensitive to allergies.
It is a natural, healthy alternative to highly processed, pre-packaged kibbles that are made with chemicals and byproducts.
I received a starter box (8 pounds of food) to review and feature. Since my pup is under a year old, I didn’t want to switch up his current food. So, we tried this one out on my Mother-in-law’s dog Bella. I like that this one is natural and I think Bella was pretty happy!
Actually, Bella was pretty impressed! She likes it cooked the best though and cleaned her whole plate! Check this one out! Right now, new customers can get 50% off of the starter box! Check out their website.
Allprovide is based out of Norcross, Georgia where they’ve invested $2 million in a state-of-the-art, climate controlled facility. The fresh ingredients come from select Georgia farmers and farmers’ markets and all of the food is triple-tested for quality.
Self Disclosure: I received a free starter box to facilitate this post. No other compensation was received.
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