Back-to-school with Plum District

Plum District, the leading daily offers site for moms, by moms, recently surveyed 2,403 of its members to find out how moms really feel about the back to school season.

Some surprising finds:

Many Moms are Excited: 39 percent of Moms feel excited, yet another 26 percent feel relieved.
Moms are More Sad than Kids: 40 percent of Moms say they are the MOST sad family member, followed by the kids at 33 percent… and the dog at 21 percent.
Moms’ Top Worries: The top reason Mom is worried about her kids going back to school is surprisingly not bullying (that’s #2) — it’s whether or not her kids have a good teacher.
Moms are Likely to Cry: 54 percent of Moms say they are likely to cry on the first day of school
Moms Plan to Write a Special Note: 57 percent will likely tuck a hidden note into their kids’ bags

To help alleviate the pain of back to school time for mom, during August, Plum District will feature special offers that will help Mom check items off her back to school list, including deals for lunch boxes, kids clothing and school supplies and books.

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