When your children are small, there was no need to encourage inventive thoughts or creative play – for small children, the ability to think outside the box was something that came naturally – just like breathing, and along with this came artistic and imaginative activities.
However, as your child grows and the teenage years get closer, many kids who were once free-spirited and outgoing become wary and self-conscious about getting outside of their comfort zone. However, not all is lost. It is never too late to re-inspire your teen. Keep reading for some fun ways to boost your teen’s creativity that is both effective and fun.
1. Lead by Example
One of the most effective ways for you to encourage creativity in your teen is to lead by example. Maybe you once had a passion to write or enjoyed painting in your spare time. Perhaps this activity was buried under all the commitments that came with day-to-day life as a parent. Or, maybe you still attend a dance or pottery class each week, without fail.
Everyone has some creative flair – even if it is long-forgotten or buried under the surface, so regardless of if you love to bake, enjoy decorating, or have a passion for math, do it with gusto and make sure your teen sees your enthusiasm. If you are doing what you love, so will they.
2. Encourage Questions
Another way to encourage your teen to be more creative is to make sure they know that questioning any and everything they aren’t sure of is smart. Tell them to learn to look for answers to the questions they have. You can teach this skill of questioning by playing strategic board games.
Be sure that your child can explore their own thoughts, beliefs, and opinions and that just because they have a viewpoint that isn’t shared by others, it doesn’t mean it is wrong. While doing this, make sure you help your teen understand there is a way to express their views in an adamant manner, without being dismissive or rude to others.
3. Teach Them The Importance Of a Healthy Lifestyle
Healthy lifestyle could be narrowed down to several categories that your teenager should understand: proper food, quality sleep and a good dose of activity. All three will boost their creativity, as they will support their development. They can even learn creativity from improving their lifestyle – learning to cook fun and healthy meals, or helping renovate their room for improving their sleep by choosing the best mattress for kids.
Don’t Stifle Their Creativity
Always encourage your teens to try out something new. This may be an activity they haven’t ever considered, like learning an instrument. Let them figure out what they want to eat for dinner and urge them to select a dish they have never had before.
Don’t impose your views on your teen too much. Even parents who have the best intentions may begin to stifle their teen’s creativity inadvertently by being too bossy or self-imposing. If you find that you are flippant or dismissive of their more outlandish thoughts or suggestions, or if you are worried about the mess they are or may make, take a step back. A nervous and hovering parent isn’t conducive to creativity. You have to give them room to breathe and make their own mistakes if you expect this new, creative side of them to thrive.

Encouraging Creativity in Your Teen
As you can see, there are more than a few ways you can encourage your teen to be more creative. Take some time to think about which option would resonate with your teen – sometimes, using a mix of all three will produce the best results. Most parents have found when they allow their teens the freedom to express themselves and be creative, their child is happier and healthier and they turn into much more successful adults, which is always a positive outcome.
Images: Pixabay
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